Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blogging in Education

Why Blogging is Great for Students

1. Blogs Allow for Multi-Faceted Learning

2. Blogs Promote Literacy and Sharpen Writing Skills

3. Blogs Are Accessible and Engaging

4. Blogs Can Serve as a Classroom Management Tool

5 Tips That Will Make Blogging a Breeze

1. Use a simple blog application

2. Start with a specific writing prompt

3. Create a rubric

4. Know your audience

5. Make content concise

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Friday, September 25, 2015

Interactive Periodic Table

The Periodic Table is an interactive Web site where students can learn about the Periodic Table of the Elements: how it is organized (into groups); the atomic structure of each group; characteristics of isotopes; the scientific notation that is used to define atoms and elements; and how the chemical properties of elements are determined by their atomic composition. 

Students will explore the basics of the atom and how scientists came to understand its structure, learn how the number of protons in an atom determines what element it is, and discover how elements, which interact to make up all living things and materials in the world, can be organized and understood using the Periodic Table. Students will also learn about atomic structure, including how negatively charged electrons fill the orbitals of atoms and how the placement of electrons affects the chemical nature of elements; students will also learn the notation systems that are used to describe the orbital configuration. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MinecraftEDU Lesson Ideas

Description: MinecraftEDU is a modified version of Minecraft designed for classroom teachers. In it, teachers have "superpowers" to place limits on student behavior (like no TNT or PVP - "player versus player" attacks). Minecraft is a popular and extremely adaptable "sandbox game" which can be used in a variety of ways to help students build models, colalborate, problem solve, and demonstrate their understanding of curriculum topics. In this session we will explore the features of MinecraftEDU, discuss how to get started, and several lesson ideas to use with students in the classroom or in after-school club time. Resources are available on

Creating an Innovation Strategy for Your School - webcast

Today BAM Radio is the largest education radio network in the world offering programming from the nation's top education organizations and thought leaders and reaching a wide audience of people passionately committed to quality education.

But what most distinguishes BAM Radio Network are the people involved. Our "on air" hosts are the executive directors of the most respected education associations in the country, our guests are the leading experts, advocates and journalists in education and our programming is produced by an Emmy-winning team. Simply said we have assembled the best talent we could secure in an effort to be your most valued and reliable source of information and insight.

Creating an Innovation Strategy for Your School:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Learn How To Code on the iPad Using Codea Pt. 1

This video shows you How To Code on the iPad Using Codea Pt. 1.
Codea is an app for the iPad that lets you make games for the iPad on the iPad! It was the first, and still best, way to learn to program on the iPad. In this video, we learn right at the beginning with the "Hello, World!" program in Codea.

This YouTube channel features a collection of informative videos on how to use your new iPad and learn new tips and tricks! We are at: