Monday, November 30, 2015


iPadwells now newly minted eduwells is an artist and an educator with an insight into the minds of educators that is outstanding… His infographics are always a treat!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Curiosity… how to get more in our kids lives...

Curiosity and wonder don't come into our kids lives enough…
Here is an interesting article and how we can change this with 4 practical ways to bring more wonder into our children lives.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

5 P's for a + digital footprint

I really like this simple chart that could be used in any classroom as reminders to students when walking through their screen windows.
Checkout this elementary teachers blog, lots to discover:

Monday, November 23, 2015


Bloom’s Taxonomy was a remarkable attempt to create a system of learning that focuses on how people learn and organize content around those natural aptitudes. Created by Benjamin Bloom in 1956, he created a method to differentiate questions in the education system. Here you will find an enriched list of blog posts, apps, tools, videos and strategies to help educators become more proficient with the system.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

The Common Sense Census: Key Findings

How much time does your average teen or tween spend on media? Find out how many hours and other key information about their media habits from this video infographic about The Common Sense Census: Media Use by Tweens and Teens. This national study offers a comprehensive look at how kids age 8 to 18 use media and technology.

Monday, November 2, 2015

10 Assessments You Can Perform In 90 Seconds

Good assessment is frequent assessment.

Any assessment is designed to provide a snapshot of student understand—the more snapshots, the more complete the full picture of knowledge.