Thursday, September 15, 2016

#IMMOOC the networked educator

Image by Alec Couros

If one teacher reads your blog post and changes something for 20-25 students, that’s a pretty big impact

Makerspace supplies on the cheap!

Makerspaces can start with little to no money… Here's a great post on where to go and what to look for.

Arduino Crash Course

What you harvest:
Understanding an Arduino Program
Familiarization with the Arduino Board
Controlling Digital and Analog I/O
Communicating with your Computer
Build teleporters and levitating fortresses (maybe a stretch…)

Parts needed:
Arduino compatible board
USB Cable to plug in Arduino (A/B type – one end is typical USB, the other is what would go into a printer)
LEDs AKA Light Emitting Diodes (10)
10K potentiometer (1)
220 Ohm Resistor (10)
Jumper Wires (12)
Solderless Breadboard (1)
Pushbutton (2)
Alligator Clips (3)