Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Makerspaces: Highlights of Select Literature - 2015

In this review, we look at a selection of the latest discourse and thinking emerging from the growth of makerspaces and their developing roles in education and communities. We have selected recent seminal academic papers, articles, blog posts, and published books that help provide foundational context, content, and insights for the development of a new Makerspace Playbook. The new playbook focuses on youth-oriented makerspaces, showcasing the varieties of spaces and the many ways to get started.
While this paper is not intended to be a fully comprehensive review of the current literature, it summarizes key points gleaned about youth makerspaces and the learning they enable. These findings help to inform and shape the creation of the new playbook, particularly in ways that serve the mission
of Maker Ed: to create more opportunities for all young people to develop confidence, creativity, and interest in science, technology, engineering, math, art, and learning as a whole through making.

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